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Continuing Professional Development Programme
Space for Reflective Learning
Monica Ixchel Castillo Salgado
Monica Ixchel Castillo Salgado

Monica Ixchel Castillo Salgado is an actress, dancer, political scientist and educator from Mexico living in Barcelona. She has a degree in Theatre from the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York City and a degree certificate in Physical Theatre from MOVEO in Barcelona. She is a profesional actress with theatre, tv and film experience and also a theatre and dance teacher. Monica´s theatre training in both the United States and Mexico included the study of improvisation techniques, movement and music. Currently, as part of the Performing Ideas team, Monica is teaching workshops on improvisational skills and body language for leaders and scientists both in the public and private sector.

Monica has also worked as a researcher for the United Nations Association of the USA, as program coordinator for the National Kidney Foundation of Southern California and as a UNICEF consultant during the World Water Forum held in Mexico City in 2006. 

Intervals courses offfered by Monica Ixchel:

The science of the unexpected: improvisation for scientists