The course will offer key tips and strategies to write a successful fellowship application.
PhD students & junior postdocs
In this course you will learn about:
The course consists of two parts to maximise learning and give a practical experience of the entire process of applying for a fellowship.
The first part combines theoretical lectures from experts in fellowship applications as well as hands-on exercises. In the second participants write their own fellowship proposal and this is evaluated by two PRBB PIs and the course trainers. Participants then defend their project to the evaluators and the class in a short presentation and interview.
The course consists of several sessions. You should be able to attend all of them.
BEFORE THE COURSE: All participants must submit title + abstract of their potential project (max. 250 words) to
BETWEEN SESSIONS: Between the second and the third session participants will write their own proposals (approx time commitment 4-6 hrs). The deadline to submit the proposal is the 5th June.
Please note that if a quorum of 4 participants submitting a proposal is not reached, the evaluators will provide only written feedback.
Becoming a scientific writer - putting the why before the how
Behind the scenes – small tutorial group for anyone giving oral research presentations
Elevator pitch in science: Get what you want in a minute
Comments from participants
Marta Sallés has a degree in biology and more than ten years of experience at CRG in research management, particularly in funding for PhD students and postdocs.
Natalia Dave has a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, several year experience in research in life sciences and research management.
Both Marta and Natalia work at the International and Scientific Affairs office of the CRG.