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Continuing Professional Development Programme
Space for Reflective Learning
Roser Pinyol
Roser Pinyol

Roser Pinyol holds the position of Assistant Researcher at IDIBAPS/Barcelona Clinic Hospital in the Group of Translational Research in Hepatic Oncology, led by Prof. Llovet, since joining in 2013. In addition, she is Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Barcelona. Previously, she was Postdoctoral Researcher at the Center of Genomic Regulation (CRG), one of the top research institutes in Spain, where she was a part of the Cell Division group led by Dr. Vernos. She obtained her PhD in Biological Sciences (2006) from the German Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology, the top-ranking institute within the Leibniz Research Society. Since 2012, she has been involved in skill development programs, such as the Intervals program for the PRBB, and since 2017, for the UPF.

Intervals course offered by Roser:

Interview and job application skills in science